Sunday, November 19, 2006

Air Hat

Well, Dad had surgery on Saturday. Had a cyst on his liver and in the beginning they were going to do non-invasive surgery but ended up having to have major surgery. All went well and he is on the mend. Hopefully will be able to come home in time for Thanksgiving.

It was a roller coaster and there were stressful times and quiet times but Dad came out of it nicely. Morphine is a ball of laughs and watching him experience the effects of it were hilarious. At one point he was being transferred back to his room from TICU and put his breathing treatment thingy on his head and said "I've got my Air Hat on! Ready to go!" Crazy.

I'm anxious for the boys (and their girls) to get here. Will be nice to have everyone home.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Stop This Train

If I had a choice, nothing would ever end. My pretty little world would just stay the way I like it and I wouldn't have to worry about outside problems. The immortality of our parents is not something that we really prepare ourselves for.

Dad is sick. It isn't anything major but my mind still wanders the trails of the unknown. I love him and just want my pretty little world with him healthy back.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Poundage, Gobble Gobble

Two days in a row. Phone rings, I wake up not knowing which way is up. "Are you going to work today?" @$#*%@#**$#@@!! WHAT?!?!??! CRAP!!!! Thankfully my boss laughed when I called her and mumbled that I was on my way. The bright side is that it makes the day blessedly shorter.

Next week the whole entire family will be here for Thanksgiving. I am so excited about it I keep forgetting that they won't be here for Christmas as well. We have lists and lists of food requests. What? You want me to share the list? Well, ok...

-Pumpkin Bars
-Apple Pie
-Afghan Lamb Kabobs
-Apple Crisp
-Bundt Bread
-1lb Butter Mashed Potatoes
-Krispy Kreme Donuts
-Golden Corral Yeast Rolls
-Pumpkin Bars

I'm sure there is more but for now those extra 30 pounds we are all going to put on is enough.

Took a break from The Project today. Had a friend ask me to paint him something and I have to get working on that. Even if it is a Hand Turkey. Silly Toby, it's gonna be the nicest Hand Turkey you have ever seen!!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006


So, these lily pads. You know the ones that I named all of this after? The ones that sit at the top of the page? Well, I have been trying to figure out what next step to make in my life for well, years. But, since I put that picture up on my desk about a month ago, my mind has been racing. So many things I want to do, but can I do them? Why not, other people do them? I'm good at these things, why shouldn't I?

Questions, questions.

I bought new paint supplies this weekend. I have been aching to paint for a while now but have been holding back. I feel too self-conscious, too inadequate, too amateur. Finally I said to myself "Self, you like it. It helps. DO IT!"

So, I have some plans. I'm not ready to talk about them yet but I am so excited I think I may just bust out of my seams. People are going to think I'm crazy but, they are also going to think that I should have done this a long time ago.

I'm ready to jump to the next pad. It's a big one.