Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Setting Up Shop

Ok, I'm jumping in. I'm going to start selling my photos. Yup. I'm just full of surprises this week. Oh, by the way, my seziure inducing decision? I'm going back to church.

So anyway, I'm getting my shop ready over at The more I look at the pictures I will be putting over there, the more excited I get. And, proud. Several people have commented lately at their appreciation of my point of view. I had never really considered it, you always see what you see. It is an interesting concept to consider that others don't see things the same way you do, even though you are standing at the same viewpoint.

Having said that, I would like to take advantage of your viewpoint. I don't believe in overly photoshoping a photo. I find great joy in looking at a photo and knowing that what comes from the camera is the memory I wanted to capture. Changing it is devaluing the memory. But, some photos need a tiny bit of help to bring out their character.

This iris grew in my Mom's garden, this spring. When adjusting the color and contrast, I couldn't decide between pre color adjustment or post. Please tell me what you think...


Anonymous said...

when will you go online?

Christine Perry | Graphite Art said...

I like the top picture better

lori said...

Top pic for sure!

James and Jeni said...

Looks like I'm out numbered. I like the second one better.

tmcdowell said...

I like the bottom fo sho! I like the lighter stem in the center and the lightening at the inner petals. You rock G!