Monday, December 1, 2008

This, That, & the Other

Ok, I've been a crazy woman for the past month or so. I've been doing family portraits pretty regularly and have been trying to prep for an Art Show (MY FIRST) coming up on Sunday.

Spent Thanksgiving at my parents house, and my Cousin Ry & his lovely wife Steph joined us. We had a great day and though "The Boys" are far from home, it was nice to have a chance to hang out with family. Clarke called from Afghanistan just as we were finishing the meal, so Mom got out of dish duty. Which really, she did so much to get ready, we would have pushed her out of the kitchen anyway.

(for mom)

Went to the movies, instead of shopping, on Black Friday. Saw "Australia" and I've been fighting the urge to go see it again, I loved it that much. Worked on getting some computer things figured out for Mom and tried to make sure that the printer Dad was giving me would work for my photos.

On my way back to Durham on Saturday, Steph called and invited me up to Weldon. So, I stopped in Durham, picked up what I needed to get all of my prints ready and headed up to my weekend Art Retreat. I pretty much took over their dining room.

printing up a storm on the fabulous life saver printer

cutting, mating, taping, signing, bagging

the finished product!!!

So, I've got some more to do before I'm fully ready for the Art Show. But, it is a huge relief to have all of the prints done! I told Ry & Steph that I never would have gotten that much done at home, alone. I would have given up half way through and watched a movie. Feeling like I needed to make sure I was done before I went home was a great motivator.

I promise to fill you all (all 4 of you!) in on how the Art Show goes. Thanks for all of your support!

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